Tourism Blog

Lisa Paxton, Chamber CEO
Lisa Paxton
Kathi Nagorski
Kathi Nagorski
Shannon Janco
Shannon Janco
Holy Holm
Holly Holm

No place like Brainerd!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Where do you want to vacation in 2011 and why?"

The Los Angeles Times posed this question to readers for a Travel section contest. Maria Menz, California, responded to the question that she would go home -- to Brainerd! Her husband, Joe, is formerly of Brainerd.

Maria wrote, in part, "Maybe it's true that we can't ever go home again. All I know is, if I had the money to go anywhere in the world, I'd head right straight back to Brainerd, in a heartbeat. It's not fancy. It's not exotic and exciting, and God knows, it's not California. But, if you're willing to slow down, to unplug, and be still for a few moments, and savor that moment just for the pure, simple joy of it, then maybe, just maybe, home will find its way back to you."

We know the Brainerd Lakes Area is a great place to call home -- because it can be exciting and exotic as well as beautiful and peaceful! Our secret is getting out!

Find the entire guest column as published in the Brainerd Dispatch here.

Kathi Nagorski, Public Relations and Special Events Coordinator
Brainerd Lakes Chamber


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