Mountain biking in the Brainerd Lakes Area: A new star attraction on the Cuyuna Range
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Brainerd Lakes Area now boasts the best mountain biking trails in the region! But don't just take my word for it! Check out how much fun Brainerd Lakes Area mountain biking enthusiasts had creating this YouTube video! Don't be intimidated! This is an advanced trail. There are beginner and intermediate trails as well. What am I talking about? The newly opened Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Biking Trails in the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton. In June, Hans "No Way" Rey, an extreme mountain biking enthusiast known throughout the world, had this to say about the Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Biking Trails: "The Cuyuna Lakes trails are among the best XC trail network I have ridden. Super flowy and fun. Mountain bike specific trails with flow is the future of our sport. It's good to see the Cuyuna trails spearheading this evolution of the sport. I loved the trails and riding and I'm sure it will do wonders to the local community and for mountain bike enthusiasts in a 200-mile radius and beyond. Everybody who helped this project can be proud of themselves." Indeed, there are a lot of people who can be proud of this trail, including the Minnesota DNR, International Mountain Biking Association and the Minnesota Off-Road Cycling Cuyuna Chapter of IMBA, as well as former Rep. James Oberstar, D-Minn., among many, many others. Check out the IMBA blogs with more information about the history of the trail. A special thank you to Hansi Johnson, IMBA Midwest regional director for the Hans Rey photograph and for his assistance in helping the Brainerd Lakes Chamber spread the word about this new community attraction. Look for more information, including a news release featuring how this trail came to fruition, later this month. Stealing a mountain biking mantra, "Ride hard, eat dirt, have fun!"
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